Covid-19 Learning, Evidence and Research Programme in Bangladesh (CLEAR)


The Covid-19 Learning, Evidence and Research Programme in Bangladesh (CLEAR) is a sister programme to the Covid Collective, also funded by FCDO, designed to support an evidence-informed Covid-19 response and recovery in Bangladesh.

CLEAR is led by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in collaboration with the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD).

It aims to build a consortium of research partners to deliver policy relevant Covid-19 research and evidence for Bangladesh, support increased evidence uptake among policymakers and share lessons from the Covid-19 response to better prepare for future shocks.

Research themes

CLEAR will focus on the secondary impacts of Covid-19 covering four broad thematic areas:

  • Poverty and vulnerability
  • Service delivery, accountability and governance
  • Rights of marginalised population and disadvantaged groups
  • Innovations

CLEAR has its own programme webpage, hosted by Covid Collective, with further information about research grants, plus news and blogs featuring research generated by the programme.

Visit the CLEAR webpage here…


More about CLEAR

For project information, news and blogs about the CLEAR programme.

Visit the CLEAR programme webpage

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