This project comprises of three main strands of work bridging local and global:
1: Interactive Fragmentation: Peace Routes and Roots for Peace in Syria
The project will investigate if and how Covid-19 contributed to the creation of ‘peace routes’ across conflict lines and borders in Syria.
2: Community Research Network Program in Myanmar: Mapping the actors, institutions, and impact of the pandemic in post-coup context
This research will explore how and in what ways has the coup impacted the pandemic response; the various governance mechanisms and institutions that people have relied on for Covid-related issues, considering the fragmented and contested public authority; and the public perception of these governance actors and mechanisms delivering Covid-relief across states and regions.
3: Covid Peace and Conflict Outcomes Mapping: Informing the Future
This project will connect varied data sources related to peace and conflict and covid that was produced over the course of the pandemic; track where Covid-19 responses have had lasting effects on democracy and peace; understand the relationship between the nature of the pandemic response and its lasting impact; and recommend good practice for conflict-sensitive pandemic response in the future.