Poverty monitoring in the context of Covid-19

Cambodia, Ethiopia, India, Malawi, Philippines, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Phase 1
Social development and inclusion
Social development and inclusion

This Covid Collective grant supports ODI to expand poverty monitoring activities of its Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) into seven new countries to provide near real time qualitative data on how the pandemic, and the response to it, intersect with wider efforts to address poverty and inequality. 

The research captures the lived experiences of the poor and vulnerable non-poor groups as the pandemic progresses with the objective of increasing representation of their interests in programme and policy responses including stimulus packages, adapted social protection, health, education, and economic interventions. Its focus is on the poverty, food security and wellbeing impacts of the pandemic, where there are currently evidence gaps. The team produce the Covid-19 Poverty Monitor, a regular bulletin sharing the ongoing social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poorest and those at risk of impoverishment and the policies needed to mitigate them. Explore the research by country, , or sign up to their newsletter for updates. 


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