How is Covid-19 impacting people living in poverty in Malawi? What are the policies needed to mitigate these impacts? Recent research from Covid Collective partners and APRA finds Covid-19 has had a detrimental impact on people living in, or at risk of, poverty in Malawi – particularly in regard to their education, food security and livelihoods.
We are inviting policymakers, donors, researchers and civil society actors to discuss the emerging evidence surrounding these impacts and encourage an open conversation on the policies and actions needed to mitigate them. This will be a livestream version of the event and online attendees will get an opportunity to join in the Q&A session.
This event will be hosted by the United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) with an introduction from the FCDO Development Director.
We will present findings from recent research into the cross-cutting issues impacting people living in poverty, including education, food systems, livelihoods. Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (Overseas Development Institute) will present research on how the pandemic, and the response to it, intersect with wider efforts to address poverty and inequality. Center for Global Development (CGD) & Centre for Educational Research and Training (CERT) will share new research on the impact of Covid-19 on education, prioritising re-enrolment (especially girls); measuring lost learning; and the policies for reopening and catch up. Institute of Development Studies’ Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) programme shares data collected from studies understanding the impact of the pandemic on food systems and rural livelihoods.
After the presentations, we will open up to hear responses from participants in the room and encourage open discussion between this small audience of key actors. We will also take questions from the online audience.
9.30 START
- Welcome and introduction: United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
- Center for Global Development (CGD) & Centre for Educational Research and Training (CERT): Investigating COVID-19 education policy response in Malawi
- Institute of Development Studies’ Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) programme: Impact of the Cocvi-19 pandemic on food systems and livelihoods
- Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (Overseas Development Institute): Social and economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poorest and those at risk of impoverishment and the policies needed to mitigate them.
- Responses from key stakeholders
- Questions and discussion with participants and online audience